Monday, June 30, 2014

#antiaging tips : check here habits to be avoided for the sake of your skin!

Excessive and chronic stress: several studies show that chronic stress triggers the release of free radicals, the unstable molecules that damage cells and are responsible for aging.

Excess of sugar in your diet: aside from adding excess pounds to your body, sugar may also be adding years to your face. Internally, sugar molecules attach themselves to protein fibers in our cells; this damaging process, known as glycation, can result in a loss of radiance, dark circles under the eyes, loss of tone, puffiness, an increase in fine lines and wrinkles and a loss of facial contours and increased pore size. 

Sleep deprivation: skimping on sleep not only results in dark bags under the eyes—it has also been linked to a shorter lifespan. Sleeping within the seven-hour range is optimal: get to bed earlier if you have the symptoms of sleep deprivation, which include a lack of daytime energy, mental sluggishness, attention problems, or weight gain.

You spend most of the day sitting or in front of the TVIn the British Journal of Sports Medicine study of about 11,000 Australians ages 25 and older, researchers found that for every hour of television watched, adults cut their life expectancy by 22 minutes. What's more, people who spent an average of six hours a day watching TV lived five years less than their non-viewing counterparts. This effect is more about sitting and being inactive than the TV watching. Whether you're watching TV or at your desk, get up every 30 minutes to walk around.

The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle are well-documented which are increased risk for kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, not to mention obesity.

You don't use eye cream: skin around the eyes is thinner than the skin on the rest of your face and shows age faster so that keeping the eye area moisturized can take years off your face. Eye creams that are most effective contain emollients, retinol, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. These ingredients promote formation of collagen and elastin to tighten the skin and reduce fine lines around the eyes.

You use sunscreen, but only on vacation: running errands, driving, and walking back and forth to the mailbox may do more damage to your skin than spending a day at the beach if you do it sans sunblock .The number-one cause of nearly every sign of premature aging on the human face is ultraviolet exposure and UV light is present even when it's cloudy or raining. We recommend an SPF between 30 and 50 for daily use. 

You wear too much makeup: wearing excessive amounts of makeup, especially oil based products, can clog your skin pores and cause outbreaks. In addition, overusing skin products with fragrances, irritating chemicals, and alcohol agents may dry out the skin by removing its natural oils, which causes premature lines and wrinkles. Consult with your dermatologist for guidance!

You sleep with your face in the pillow: sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your face smashed into the pillow can create wrinkles and accelerate aging. The connective tissue and collagen in your face becomes weaker and less supportive with age, then those crease lines from your pillow can become permanent. Sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase to keep skin smooth.

You sip drinks through a straw: drinking dark-colored beverages through a straw can prevent stains on your teeth, but just as squinting can eventually cause wrinkles to form around your eyes, pursing your lips can also bring about premature wrinkles around the mouth. This also occurs when smoking cigarettes.

You cut out all fat from your diet: some fat is necessary for maintaining a youthful feeling and appearance. Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) and certain nuts (such as walnuts and flax seeds) keep skin supple and plump, thereby preventing wrinkles, and they boost both heart and brain health as well.

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