Saturday, July 5, 2014

#acne solutions - part 3

And finally, severe acne... Thankfully very rare, this type of acne, also known as nodulocystic or conglobata, can cause fever, severe pain, scars (holes) and depression. It is characterized by very deep and inflamed pimples that join, forming true nodules or masses in the face. It mainly affects male adolescents. To start treatment , the use of oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory is needed to combat bacterial infection . 

But the great revolution in the treatment of this disease came with the advent of isotretinoin for oral use . This powerful and effective medicine has brought wonderful results, not to say miraculous. The first brand was Accutane in dosages of 20 and 10mg. But attention! Isotretinoin can cause many side effects : the most feared and dangerous is the effect on fetuses in pregnant women, such as abortion and severe malformations of the baby. Therefore, one or more contraceptive methods should ALWAYS be prescribed to women at reprodutive age who are candidates for this treatment. In addition, pregnancy is contraindicated for 6 months after finishing treatment .

Other side effects include dryness and cracking of the lips, dry eyes (worse in those who wear contact lenses) , gastritis ( stomach pain ), depression and insomnia.
The dose is calculated by the physician through the patient's weight. Treatment should be continuous and last for 6-9 months. Blood tests should be done before, during and after treatment because isotretinoin can alter blood clotting, cholesterol, triglycerides and liver function. I guide my patients to avoid high-fat diet and alcohol during treatment .

But do not be frightened! When medication is properly  indicated and prescribed by the physician with periodic blood tests, therapy with isotretinoin is smooth and safe. And the results ... excellent and durable (acne usually does not return after the treatment )! So do not wait acne to worsen or persist longly: visit a dermatologist doctor soon and start treatment early. Acne can leave psychological sequelae (low self-esteem, depression), and ugly scars very difficult to treat.

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