Saturday, July 5, 2014

#childrenshealth - children exposed to germs during the first year of life develop better #immunity

It is believed that exposure to germs and other allergens (dust and mold) in childhood protects against the development of allergies and asthma. However, a new study suggests that this effect occurs only with exposure BEFORE THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE! 

Researchers studied 560 children at high risk of asthma in the cities of Baltimore, Boston, New York and St. Louis in the USA. The children performed annual allergy tests and their houses were examined for the presence of bacteria, cats, dogs, cockroaches, rats and mites. This study was published in  "The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology." 

Generally speaking, larger the exposure of children to allergens from cockroaches, rats and cats, higher the risk of having difficulty on breathing or bronchitis. However, the time of exposure was important according to this study. Children who were exposed to allergens DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE were recognized with lower chances of developing respiratory problems, compared to children who had no such exposure. Considering these results, in the future, data from this study may help in the development of vaccines and strategies for prevention of allergies and respiratory problems such as asthma.

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